Thursday, January 8, 2009

Middle School FACS Programs

I have been teaching Middle School FACS for many years. I love what I teach but am constantly looking to update my curriculum and try new things with my students. We often hear about what is going on at the high school level and yet the middle school programs are the feeder programs for the high school. I would love to have a strong network of middle school FACS teachers in Minnesota get together and share ideas. Any thoughts?

Karen Smith
Monticello Middle School


Minnesota Asso of Family and Consumer Sciences said...

Karen, would it be wise to have a junior high school discussion session at a workshop or conference? I think that since FACS is not required by the state we could see many junior high schools losing FACS programs in the next few years. Jane

Minnesota Asso of Family and Consumer Sciences said...

I agree with Jane and think it would be wise to have a middle school/junior high school discussion session at an upcoming conference or perhaps a network meeting. We need to make sure that FACS programs (at the Middle School level) stay strong since we are the "feeder" programs for the High Schools. I would be willing to host a meeting or a network session at my school-in Lino Lakes...if the distance is a problem-we could meet somewhere instead and talk about the great things we do in our classrooms and discuss things we do to keep our programs ALIVE! I must say that I feel LUCKY because my school has three full time FACS teachers at the MS level. FACS is on an "encore wheel",required for
6th, 7th, and 8th graders. We have students for six weeks and for 82 minute periods. Our H.School has six full time FACS teachers! I LOVE the strong program we have built and feel blessed to be teaching in my district with wonderful, dedicated, professional teachers!
Heidi Johnson