Friday, December 18, 2009

MAFCS Conference in February this year

Remember that the Minnesota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences is in February this year near the mall of America.

The conference is the Friday and Saturday of Presidents week-end and is filled with activities for you to learn and colaborate. Check out the MAFCS web site for more information.

Placemat on Health care link below

Below you will find a link to the placemat for discussion on healthcare. This is a great way for your family to talk about health care in the United States no matter what your views might be.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Board of Directors retreat, Aug 3

The board of directors retreat is Aug 3 in southern Minnesota. Please contact Kari if you are interested in attending or being a part of a committee. It is very rewarding to be a part of a professional organization and to help make the Family and Consumer Sciences Programs stay strong.

remember you can go to the Minnesota Association of Family and Consumer Sciences web page by searching MNAFCS

While at the national conference Alice, Cherry and I went on a tour of the smokey mountains. Guess what our bus got stuck in the mud and we watched in get unstuck for about an hour and a is a photo of the exciting moment. Ha Ha..

Friday, July 10, 2009

National Conference in Knoxville, TN

The national conference was great fun and a great time for learning and celebrating. This year was very special because of the 100 year celebration. There was a wonderful slide presentation along with a laiser light show.

It was great seeing our own Jean Knack as national treasurer and Kathy Norquist as Chair of the Development committee.

I was honored to represent Minnesota as our teacher of the year and enjoyed my presentations and the lovely teacher of the year luncheon.

Jane and Alice on the bus tour in the Smokey Mountains.

Friday, May 22, 2009

national tests

Today I received an e-mail from FCCLA in regards to national tests for Career Pathways.  There are two tests that are ready to be piloted.  If you have students that can take a test in child development or consumerism please contact Wendy Ambrose at the FCCLA office for more information.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

National Conference/Deb Larson

You can still sign up to go to the national conference of American Association of Family and Consumer Science. The 100 year celebration will be in Knoxville and the board is looking forward to seeing you there.

As those of you that are teachers see the year wind down I hope that you have a good summer and you are able to relax and get yourself ready for another exciting year.

Our very own Debbie Larson did a wonderful Math presentation at the conference and she will be presenting her findings nationally and we commend her for her in depth study using Math in FACS. She is hoping to line up a summer workshop for those of you that want to use Math as a focus in your classroom to highlight the importance of what FACS teachers do to compliment core curriculum courses.

Happy Summer, Jane Hinrichsen

Thursday, April 23, 2009


The conference was a success and a nice celebration of the organizations 100 years. If you have any feed back about the conference please give us your thoughts under the comments spot.

I know that there was some frustration witht the length of speakers and awards. I personally think the gala went too long and know that few want to speak of it publically but it should be addressed.

Please make sure you give feedback so that the future conferences can adjust and make corrections.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Video Choice Processing from Nicole Schiffler at MAFCS Conference





Box 1-Choose One

How would you describe it?
How would you define it?
Which words are related to it?
How could you illustrate it?
How would you summarize it?

Box 2-Choose One

What are some examples of it?
What are the pros and cons of it?
How would you categorize, classify, or group it?
What would you compare it with and why?
Box 3-Choose One

How do you feel about it?
How would you support your feelings?
How does it compare to your life and what you know?
Do you agree or disagree with it and why?

Box 4-Choose One

How would you improve it?
Can you develop a new use for it?
What if it didn’t exist—how would life be different?
What solutions can you devise for it?

Video Log from Nicole Schiffler Workshop at Conference

Video Log

Name Mod/Class

Complete the following chart for the video. You are responsible for completing all section of the chart. The summary at the end should cover only the main idea(s) of the video, not the details.

Before Viewing
Preview: What do I predict that I will learn by viewing this video? What evidence do I have for this prediction?

During Viewing
Clunks: Clunk the information into sections. The Gist: Write the gist for each section of video.

After Viewing
Wrap-Up: Write questions you still have about the content from the video.

What did you learn? Write a summary of the information.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Iron Chef in the Foods Lab???

Do any of you hold an "Iron Cheff" type cooking contest in your foods course? How might I set up such a competition??

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Looking Forward

It is less than a week away for our MAFCS conference. I am looking forward to the wonderful program that has been planned by our committee and hope that you have all made plans to attend.

As we approach the 100 year anniversary of the organization we need to look forward and keep ourselves currant with society in ways that we can sustain our profession and continue to be strong leaders in our future. Those that have been committed to Family and Consumer Sciences in the past have been wonderful examples for us and we need to keep our commitment strong.

Sincerely, Jane Hall Hinrichsen

Monday, March 2, 2009

April conference registration

Celebrating our Past – Shaping a Sustainable World
MAFCS Annual Conference
Thursday, Friday & Saturday: April 2-4, 2009
Thursday Preconference priced separately
Crowne Plaza North Minneapolis
2200 Freeway Boulevard, Brooklyn Park, MN 55430

Registration Form:
Please print
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________St: ________________Zip______________________________
Phone:_______________________ Work Phone:_____________________ First Time Attending: _________
E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________________

There is a separate registration for Thursday’s educational pre-conference tour and evening program. The registration fee for the Conference includes your Luncheon and Dinner meals for Friday and Saturday.
Thursday, April 2 Pre-Conference Events
2 day Thursday Thursday attendee only Evening
Member ___$60 ___$75 ___$35
Student * ___$60 ___$75 ___$35
Non-Member ___$75 ___$75 ___$35
Senior (65+) ___$60 ___$75 ___$35
Thursday Excursion includes high tea lunch, all day tour and bus.
Thursday evening includes program and dinner.

Annual Conference (April 3 and 4) 2 Days Friday Saturday
(Friday & Saturday) Only Only
Member ___ $170 ___ $120 ___ $70
Student* ___ $130 ___ $ 95 ___ $55
Non-member ___ $210 ___ $140 ___ $90
Senior (65+) ___ $160 ___ $115 ___ $65
Guest Meals:
Friday: ___ $22 Luncheon ___ $35 Dinner
Saturday: ___ $22 Luncheon

*Students: Additional Information Needed

School Name: __________________________________________ Student ID#: _________________
PDU forms will be available for Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Late Fee: Add $25.00 after March 20, 2009
Refund Policy --- Written or email cancellations will be accepted through March 20 with a $25 processing fee. A 50% refund will be issued for cancellations sent between March 20 and March 26, 2009. No refunds will be issued if cancelled within a week prior to the conference.
If you have any food allergies or special needs please contact us. _______________________________

Total Amount Enclosed: (Make check payable to MAFCS) $___________ Receipt Requested _________

Send Registration to: Rachel Pederson, 13251 – 180th Avenue NW, Elk River, MN 55330
Phone: 763-241-2104, E-mail:

For room reservations call: 763-566-8000 or 1-800-481-3556

Request the MAFCS block rate of $79.00 plus sales and occupancy tax per night. The rate includes breakfast vouchers for two people staying in the room. Additional breakfast buffets will be $9.95 plus tax if more than two people stay in the room or if local attendees wish to purchase them.

Reservations must be made by March 10, 2009 to receive the special rate.

The Blog and the conference

I'm not sure that there are people out there using this blog but if one person looks it worth it for us.

Remember that our conference is April 3 and 4th. You can get the information from the MAFCS newsletter and I will post the registration following this blog. I think that it will be a wonderful conference focusing on the past and future of our organization and things that we can do to keep our environment safe.

We have our national President speaking at Lunch on Friday and a celebration on Friday evening with the silent auction.

If you have questions about the conference you can contact Jean Knaak. She has worked very hard on this conference and we are grateful for her work.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More information on program lose from AAFCS

Please understand that AAFCS is doing all that it can to assist its members in situations such as these but we strive to empower our members to take action on their own at the state and local level.

This is where it really counts so the rest is up to YOU!!

Here are some things you can do when your program is threatened:
  • Use statistics whenever possible. The facts and figures on the FCS Fact sheet should help with some of this.
  • Get all FCS teachers in your city or state to provide support.
  • Get parents and students to support your program via phone calls, letters, etc.
  • Get former students who are the "proof" i.e., succeeded because of your work.
  • Utilize the connections made through the partnerships you’ve formed with community businesses, agencies, hospitals, community action programs, etc. Most contacts are usually willing to write a letter as to the value of your program.
  • The testimony of any of the above at PTA or school board meetings is important and powerful.
  • Consider who else is getting laid off. You may need to explore gender equity issues if it's just FCS.
  • Go to your unions and see what they can do.
  • Call you local legislators and convince them of the need for FCS.
  • Get your students involved in service learning if they are not already doing so. The new administration is stressing this and it’s a way to help FCS shine!
  • Share your survival ideas with us and we will compile and share them.
  • Form an AAFCS community related to saving programs. Members from around the country can work together to develop strategies to keep FCS alive and well.
  • Become a part of the PrePAC program. Credentials at the high school level will add strength and respect to what you do. Program information will be available in Knoxville. You can also contact Gay Nell McGinnis at AAFCS.

Keep in mind: Many people are losing their jobs at every level. Many other educational programs are also in jeopardy. Think long and hard about what will convince administrators to keep your program versus another one. This is not about saving jobs; it is about saving our field at the secondary level.

Monday, February 23, 2009

What to do when you may be losing your program from AAFCS

Family and Consumer Sciences:
Empowering Individuals, Strengthening Families and Enabling Communities

"The prosperity of a nation depends upon the health and the morals of its citizens' and the health and the morals of a people depend mainly upon the food they eat and the homes they live in." Ellen H. Richards

Program History:
· The discipline of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), formerly Home Economics, was
created in 1889 by Ellen H. Richards, first woman graduate of M.I.T. and founder of the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS).
· More than 37,000 Family and Consumer Sciences middle and high school educators, who possess Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate degrees, reach over 5 million students nationwide.
· FCS is also taught in Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, and Canada.

Program Description:
· The FCS curriculum is based on the National Standards for FCS Education, which integrate math, science,
English, and social studies, and build communication, critical thinking, and problem solving skills.
· Classes are research-based and taught in preschool through college in order to prepare students with the skills to
be productive as individuals, parents, and members of a family, the community, and workforce.
· Subject areas include nutrition, personal finance, child development, career exploration, human relations, and

FCS Classes:
· Already exist with facilities and trained staff in many school districts.
· Are contextual—Students understand WHY they have to learn something. Lessons apply to everyday life.
· Are hands-on—Students learn by doing, resulting in a higher retention of subject matter.
· Include high levels of interaction with the community, utilizing low- or no-cost methods, such as service learning, career development internships, and cross-age teaching. For example, high school students enhance their literacy skills and those of the preschool and elementary children to whom they present lessons and stories.
· Develop school- to-career transition skills and reinforce the SCANS competencies.
· Utilize cutting-edge methods, such as the use of cooperative learning and portfolio assessment.
· Include exposure to and application of new technology.
· Improve pupil-teacher interaction and trust.
· Increase student confidence and social and emotional intelligence.
· Required in some U.S. states and certain countries, including Waveland, Indiana; Tokyo, Japan; and Kenya. Africa.

Evaluation results show a high rate of success and transferable skills.
· General data is usually available at local and state departments of education.
· Individual teachers evaluate on a yearly basis by utilizing standards, rubrics, portfolios, reflection,
observations, skill demonstrations, and summative and formative evaluations by parents, peers, and self.
· FCS Teachers of the Year report annually on the highly positive impact of their classes.
· Research is currently underway to determine the specific long-term impact of these courses.
· Parents say they wish they’d had a class like that when they were in school!

National and Local Awards/ Honors:
· Teachers receive numerous prestigious awards for their programs, such as State and National Teacher of the Year, AAFCS Teacher of the Year, AAFCS Leader and New Achiever, Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Teacher of the Year, Disney Outstanding Teacher Awards, Milken Awards, Teacher’s Hall of Fame, and countless state and federal grants, such as Carl Perkins and Learn and Serve.
· FCS teachers are often recognized by local groups, including school boards, Chambers of Commerce, and Civic and not-for-profit organizations, and chosen as speakers, textbook authors, and reviewers.
· In addition to state teacher licensure, many FCS teachers achieve the national Certified in Family & Consumer Sciences (CFCS) credential.

Everyone Needs the FACS of LIFE!
Marilyn Swierk, AAFCS President Elect 2008-09
For more information, please contact Gwynn Mason, AAFCS Senior Communications Manager, at or visit

Service learning information request

Hello, Colleagues,
I need some ideas for service learning projects you might be doing in your FACS classes.
Let me know what's working for you.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Does anyone offer any on-line FACS classes at this time or are you pursuing them? I noticed that TIES is offering classes in setting them up. What are your policies and procedures for this?

Sandy Krause
Mahtomedi High School Family & Consumer Sciences

Mahtomedi, MN 55115

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

FACS in the News/American Teacher Publication

I am not sure if you all saw this..but in the most recent American Teacher Publication Vo.93 No.5 Feb. 2009...on page 18 Retired teacher Margaret R.King from Southhampton, NY responds in the mailbox section....she says...

"she couldn't wait to read the Eating across the curriculum article in American Teacher (Tools for Teachers, December 2008/January 2009). But was disappointed, as a retired family and consumer science teacher, nowhere was the valuable subject matter mentioned as a resource in the article. She goes on and is quoted as saying:

"In our classes we teach math, science, health, history and language arts.Food has always been a wonderful starting point to teach students about the everyday things that they take for granted. We teach math when we double or halve a recipe. We teach science when we discuss leavening agents before making breads. For 30 years, I taught about culture and foods. Why do people eat the way they do? Why is one food a staple of a particular culture and not of another? In these economic times, what we do in family and consumer science class is more important than ever, including teaching how you can get the most out of your limited food dollar".

HATS off to Margaret...Fun to see FACS in the "News"!
Thought you would enjoy this-

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Feeling Lucky

At St. Francis High School, we have an enrollment of about 1750 and three full time FACS teachers. We get a lot of support from the administration for our classes. They appreciate how flexible we can be with our curriculum and in accomodating students. I'm sure you have all been there. We have 13 different class offerings. I don't know exactly what we are doing right, but something is working. There are always things that can go better. For instance, all of our classes are electives. It would be good for students and us if students were required to take one FACS class during their high school career. I keep waiting for the right time to launch that campaign. Now doesn't seem to be the right time though. Budgets are VERY tight and we are just trying to stay under the radar as much as possible. We are constantly working to update and improve our curriculum. We listen to students and try to adjust as much as possible. I get curriculum help from teachers outside our district and I am willing to share whatever might be useful. I wish I knew why so many administrators feel FACS is expendible. It breaks my heart to see FACS shrinking. Even at the college level, there are not enough students graduating with licenses to teach FACS. Are we not getting enough of the "high level" students to carry on the program?

Beth Widell
St. Francis High School
St. Francis, MN

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Keeping FACS in the forefront

True Confession: This is the first time I have ever blogged! But I am doing it
because I truly feel that one way for FACS professionals to succeed is to stay ahead of the trends in technology. Schools are so hungry for technology that if you can teach students new skills in this area while teaching your subject matter, students will want to take your classes and other teachers will see you as a curriculum leader. My second suggestion for success is to promote what you do in as many ways as you can. I share my successes in the classroom with the school board every month and through the media outlets (newspaper, etc.) in our area. Sometimes I have students write the stories and take the photos. If you want to see some of the news releases we have done, go to the website of The Daily Journal in International Falls and search the archives for Indus School. Currently, our Teen & Family Issues class is producing documentaries to enter into a C-SPAN contest. Finally, we should regularly promote student achievements, such as students who ranked in the top 25th percentile of the National Financial Literacy Challenge. This shows we are making an impact!

Lois Lewis
FACS teacher
Indus School
Birchdale, MN

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Moving forward

We as FACS professionals face many difficulties with financial cuts in our field. The FACSed group and MAFCS are looking for ways to "help" each other in times when programs are facing school boards and the board of directors giving valid reasons for their schools FACS programs.

It is vital that each of us stay involved and make sure that we are current with the teachings in our state. Career Pathways is well underway and their are many workshops available to help us understand the direction of our field in the coming weeks.

FCCLA will be hosting a day with speakers on March 2nd and the department of education along with MAFCS with be hosting two informational sessions in Feb that can be seen by via media in several locations through out the state. The first is being planned for Feb 5th and more information will follow.

If you have presentations and facts about FACS that have helped you sustain your school and work programs please share them with others so that they can use these tools and their areas of work or school districts.

Jane H.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Middle School FACS Programs

I have been teaching Middle School FACS for many years. I love what I teach but am constantly looking to update my curriculum and try new things with my students. We often hear about what is going on at the high school level and yet the middle school programs are the feeder programs for the high school. I would love to have a strong network of middle school FACS teachers in Minnesota get together and share ideas. Any thoughts?

Karen Smith
Monticello Middle School

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Budget cuts and career loss

There is a continued concern about FACS positions being lost in schools due to budget issues coming from the state department.

If your department is doing well and you are stable please share some of the courses that are taught in your school and what you do to keep your enrollment steady. There are schools out there fighting to keep the few classes that they have and they want some advice. If you have some please share it.

I hope that these hard times are making MAFCS members aware of how important our organization is and how important it is for us to support one another as FACS professionals in good times and bad. Jane H.

Pictures needed for Centenial Celebration

Hey gang, MAFCS is looking for pictures from you of you.

We would like a picture of you early in your career and a current picture of yourself. Please send them in jpeg form to Jane Hinrichsen at as soon as possible. Please label the pictures with the date and your name. Thanks.