Sunday, December 7, 2008

Congratulations Cherry! Way to go you are officially a techy!

Peace everyone, Jane

Saturday, December 6, 2008

MAFCS Highlights

From the MAFCS President:

Exciting things are happening in MAFCS.
Thank you to Jane for setting up this blog!

Centennial Celebration....
Plan now to attend the MAFCS Centennial Conference April 2-4, 2008 at the Crowne Plaza in Brooklyn Park, MN.
We will be celebrating 100 years of Family and Consumer Sciences. Join us as we honor our past and look to the future of MAFCS.

Members have contacted board and council members with concerns about FACS and Standards, licensing, and program cuts. It would be great to start a conversation through the blog so all members can see the discussion. Invite your colleagues to join in.

Some schools have had success in implementing a fine arts standard in interior design. You can contact your MAFCS Board and council members to learn more. Or... blog your successes and comments here. (Please practice professional courtesy as you do so.)

We are accepting nominations for President Elect, VP of Program Elect, VP of Membership Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, VP of Outreach Elect and Nominations committee. If you are interesting in serving on the MAFCS Board or council, contact Cherry Cramer at

Wishing you all a Happy Holidays from The MAFCS President: Cherry Cramer